[e-drug] Southern Med Review Vol 1 Issue 1 2008

E-DRUG: Southern Med Review Vol 1 Issue 1 2008

Dear Colleagues

The first issue of Southern Med Review is available at the New Zealand's National Library Website.

http://ndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz/view/action/ieViewer.do?dps_pid=IE971200&dps_custom_att_1=ilsdb&dps_dvs=1229913332356~216&dps_pid=IE971200 [repair link]

The objective of “Southern Med Review” is to disseminate commentary and empirical research findings with a view to improve “Medicine use and Access” research, especially in the Global South.

Table of Contents

• In “Editorial”, “Disseminating Medicine Access and Use Research", Zaheer Babar writes about the need and objective of the journal.

• In Feature Article, Mahmoud Al-Haddad, Mohamed Izham Mohamed Ibrahim discuss the “Development of the Discipline of Social and Administrative Pharmacy at Universiti Sains Malaysia.

• In “Learning in Practice I”, Subish Palaian and Kadir Alam write regarding the activities of the pharmacists in a teaching hospital in Nepal.

• In “Learning in Practice II” Ozma Fazal writes her experiences with diabetes as a practicing pharmacist in Pakistan

• In “View Point”, Saira Azhar discusses the possibility of improving the role of the Pharmacist within Pakistan’s healthcare system

• In “Research Briefs”, Azhar Hussain and Asifa Khanum outline regarding the Self medication among university students in Islamabad, Pakistan.

• Under “Innovative Approaches in Asia Pacific”, Shane Scahill, discusses the link between the need to study organizational theory and improving community pharmacy services.

Editor and Publisher: Dr Zaheer Babar, 3/46 Morningside Drive, St Lukes Mt Albert, Auckland, New Zealand. “Southern Med Review” can be distributed freely; however no part can be copied without the permission of the editor. Southern Med Review (ISSN: 1174-2704) will be published quarterly. All rights reserved. Copyright @2008

“Southern Med Review” accepts original articles, commentaries, view points, letter to editor and “Learning in Practice” for publication. For submission of papers, please contact editor_smr@yahoo.com