[e-drug] Studies on access to RH medicines (4)

E-DRUG: Studies on access to RH medicines (4)

Dear Birgit,

If you have not already come across them, there are a number of papers
on the USAID | DELIVER Project website (www.deliver.jsi.com) that may be
of use in your work, including one on RH medicines pricing in Nepal and
several on the complex of "commodity security" issues around RH
medicines for the West Africa subregion. I have listed synopses below.

Kind regards,
Carolyn Hart
E-mail: carolyn_hart@jsi.com

Nepal: Reproductive Health Commodity Pricing Survey (2,155 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Raja Rao, Dhruba Thapa
Date of Publication 2005
Regulatory guidelines under the Nepal Drug Act of 1978 govern the sale
and distribution of pharmaceutical products in Nepal. Regulations are
based on a 1995 National Drug Policy that promotes community drug
financing programs in the public sector and establishes profit and
distribution margin rates. Those policies were put in place to encourage
equity, access, and use of medicines. The findings from this analysis
indicate that cumulative distribution and profit margins for some
reproductive health (RH) medicines in the private sector exceed the
established norms. Access at:

The following papers about West Africa in particular are at:

Reproductive Health Commodity Security for Improved Maternal and Child
Health (1,269 KB)
this document available in PDF English Français
Author(s): Meba Kagone, Lisa Hare, David O'Brien, Dana Aronovich, Aoua
Date of Publication 2003
This document summarizes the relationship between maternal health and
reproductive health commodity security, the current state of commodity
security in the sub-region, and several options for strengthening
commodity security to support maternal health.

Reproductive Health Commodity Security Strategy for the West Africa
Subregion (810 KB)
this document available in PDF English Français
Author(s): DELIVER
Date of Publication 2006
The vision of this strategy is to achieve reproductive health commodity
security (RHCS) in West Africa, which will exist when every West African
can reliably choose, obtain, and use quality, affordable, essential
reproductive health supplies when he or she needs them. This document
demonstrates that the increased use of reproductive health (RH) products
can reduce maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity, which
supports the West African Health Organization’s (WAHO) maternal health

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Country Assessment
Report: Burkina Faso (1,119 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Meba Kagone, Eric Takang, Antoine Ndiaye, Olga Sankara,
Ernest Ouédraogo
Date of Publication 2005
An analysis of reproductive health commodity security in Burkina Faso.

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Economic Community
of West African States Trade and Economic Integration (485 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): David Sarley
Date of Publication 2005
An analysis of opportunities for reproductive health commodity security
through the integration of ECOWAS countries.

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Encouraging Greater
Private Sector Participation (813 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Paul Dowling
Date of Publication 2005
An analysis of the private sector in the provision of reproductive
health commodities in West Africa.

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Ghana RHCS Country
Assessment (262 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Johnnie Amenyah, Raja Rao, Erin Shea, Mohammed Oubnichou,
Alex Nazzar, Gifty Addico
Date of Publication 2005
An analysis of reproductive health commodity security in Ghana.

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Local Manufacturing
(260 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Paul Dowling
Date of Publication 2005
An analysis of local manufacturing of reproductive health commodities
in West Africa.

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Logistics System
Capacity in West Africa (432 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Aoua Diarra
Date of Publication 2005
An analysis of reproductive health logistics system capacity in West

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Regional Financing
Gap (199 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): DELIVER
Date of Publication 2005
Describes the financing gap for reproductive health commodities in West

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Regional
Reproductive Health Policy (314 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Meba Kagone
Date of Publication 2005
Describes the reproductive health policy environment in West Africa.
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West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Reproductive Health
Commodity Pricing: Potential Benefits (498 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Raja Rao
Date of Publication 2005
Price comparison of reproductive health commodities to determine the
potential benefits of bulk purchasing in West Africa.

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Review of Pooled
Procurement (659 KB)
this document available in PDF English
Author(s): Hany Abdallah
Date of Publication 2005
Literature review of pooled procurement options.

West Africa Reproductive Health Commodity Security Sub-Regional
Strategy: A Concept Paper (531 KB)
this document available in PDF English Français
Author(s): Raja Rao, Dana Aronovich
Date of Publication 2005
Maternal and infant health indicators in the countries of the West
African sub-region tend to remain weak, although they are comparable to
other developing countries. The West African Health Organisation (WAHO)
and its partners recognize the seriousness of the gaps in access to and
the quality of maternal and perinatal health services in the sub-region.
To address these challenges, they developed a Strategic Plan for the
Reduction of Maternal and Perinatal Mortality in West Africa.