[e-drug] Studies on access to RH medicines

E-DRUG: Studies on access to RH medicines

Dear all,

I am currently working on an assignment on behalf of the WHO Department of
Medicines Policy and Standards and am looking for studies on access to
reproductive health medicines (not only contraceptives but also life-saving
RH medicines such as oxytocin, ergometrine, misoprostol, iron/folate,
magnesium sulphate).

I have found a couple of documents but I am wondering whether there are
more. I would be interested to get references, links or soft copies of:
* Country-specific studies on access to RH medicines; and
* Information on quality assurance, procurement and supply chain issues,
pricing, rational use, and financing; all related to RH medicines.

Many thanks for your help,

Birgit Kerstens
Independent health consultant

E-DRUG: Studies on access to RH medicines (2)

Hello Birgit,

A few things come to mind immediately -- I suspect there is lots out there.
Try www.misoprostol.org; their website has a bibliography
Also, the Population Council, Ipas, Gynuity, Ibis, and PATH might have primary research and/or reference lists on these topics.

Why don't you contact me directly at GirvinS@who.int and I can give you some specific names and ideas.

Sally Girvin, NP, MPH
Health Consultant

E-DRUG: Studies on access to RH medicines (3)

Dear Birgit and all,

Here you can find the information about RH commodity pricing survey
that was conducted in Nepal in 2005.


Hope this will be useful.


Suresh Panthee
Chairperson of Pharmacy Education 2007-08
International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation
Email: education@ipsf.org
PO Box 84200
2508 AE The Hague
The Netherlands