E-DRUG: Suggestions for International Drug Price Indicator Guide?
Dear Colleagues,
MSH is considering ways to improve the MSH-WHO International Drug Price
Indicator Guide and we'd like your input. How can we make the Guide more
useful to you and to others?
As you may know, the 2006 edition of the Guide was made available only
via the Web. If you would like to review current content and format, go
to http://erc.msh.org/priceguide
We'll be publishing the 2007 edition of the Guide this month. It will be
produced in a print version, a CD-ROM version, and on the Web, courtesy
of funding from the Department for International Development (DFID) and
the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA).
Feel free to forward this message to others and please send your ideas
to me at jfrye@msh.org by 21 March 2008.
Julie Frye
Editor, International Drug Price Indicator Guide
Management Sciences for Health
Center for Pharmaceutical Management
4301 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22203 USA
E-mail: jfrye@msh.org