E-DRUG: Table of contents of Prescrire International - Feb 1999

E-drug: Table of contents of Prescrire International - Feb 1999

Table of contents of Prescrire International, February 99 - Volume 8 �
Nr. 39

Prescrire International is the English language edition of La revue
Prescrire. It consists of a selection of articles of international interest
from the monthly French-language journal La revue Prescrire. Prescrire
International contains evaluations of new drugs and new indications,
information on adverse effects, and assessments of therapeutic interventions.

Regulatory measures in the hot seat

Topiramate (new preparation)
Possibly helpful in refractory partial epilepsy

Modafinil (a second look)
Confirmed efficacy in narcolepsy

Valaciclovir (new indication)
Fewer doses for genital herpes

Naltrexone (new preparation)
No proven superiority over acamprosate in alcoholic relapse

Fexofenadine (new preparation)
No evidence of better risk-benefit ratio than recent antihistamines

Erythromycin and gastroparesis (off-licence use)
Unacceptable usage

Tacrine (a second look)
To be discarded for its poor risk-benefit ratio

Citalopram (new indication)
No clear advantage over paroxetine in the prevention of panic attacks


Gallstones containing dipyridamole
Symptomatic stones can occur during long-term use

Drug bezoars
Rare and hard to diagnose

Nephrolithiasis on indinavir
Prevention based on abundant fluid intake

Drug-induced hiccups
Mainly with steroids and benzodiazepines

Recommendations for antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy
Prevention for the child, treatment for the mother

Quinolones and pregnancy
Worrying animal findings, few clinical data

Prescrire International is financed by subscription fees only. We cannot
provide free subscriptions. If you do not know the journal we can send you
a sample issue. Send us your name and address if you want to receive a
sample issue of Prescrire International. An annual subscription covers six
issues of Prescrire International plus an index to issues during the
previous five years and costs $ 60 (FF 310) for individuals, $38 (FF 200)
for students, and 360$ (FF1860) for commercial institutions.

Prescrire International
Association Mieux Prescrire
BP 459
75527 Paris Cedex 11
Tel. 33 1 47 00 94 45
Fax 33 1 48 07 87 32
email : international@prescrire.org

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Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
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