[e-drug] Textbooks

E-drug: Textbooks
  Dear E-druggers,
I am writing from Kenyatta National Hospital, where I am the Chief
Pharmacist. We are about to open our Sterile Preparation
Unit/Manufacturing Unit as well as a resource center. For this reason
we desire to purchase the following textbooks:

1 American Hospital Formularly(AHFS)
2 Martindale Extra Pharmaceopoeia, by Royal
Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain
3 Managing Drug Supply, By J.Quick, MSH Boston/WHO
4 United States Pharmacopoeia Drug Information
5 Principles of Drug Information Services: By C. Himilton
Illinois, USA
6 Meylers Side Effects of Drugs, E. Sever, Amsterdam
7 Goodman and Gilmans Textbook of Pharmacology
8 Poisoning: Diagnosis and Treatment, J.A. Vale and
  T.J. Meredith
9 Drug Interactions: Facts and Comparisons, by David S. Tatro
10 PDR Generic, Montale, New Jersey, USA
11 American Medical Association(AMA) Drug Evaluations
12. Bentley's textbook of Pharmaceutics revised by E.A. Rawlings
13. Dispensing of Medications by Martin
14. Introduction to Dosage forms by Howard Ansel
15. Coopers and Gunns for pharmaceutical students
16. Hospital Pharmacy by William Hassan
17. Coopers and Gunns Tutorial pharmacy Edited by S.J. Carter
18. Harry's Modern Cosmetology revised by Wilkinson et al.
19. Industrial pharmacy by Leon Lachmann
20. European pharmacopoiea
21. Textbook of pharmaceutics

If anyone has information about where they can be sourced at a good
price, please let me know. I will greatly appreciate this.

Dr. Bilha Kiama,
Chief Pharmacist,
Kenyatta National Hospital.
KNH PHARMACY <knhpharm@healthnet.or.ke>
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