[e-drug] Vacancy in Belau (Palau)

E-drug: Vacancy in Belau (Palau)

[Please respond to Dr Gregory Dever <gdever@palaunet.com>
not to Murray and not to e-drug. BS]
Hullo E-druggers,

The position of Chief Pharmacist, Ministry of Health, Belau (Palau) is
available. Salary is $US30,000 per annum, travel to/from for candidate and
family, free housing. This is an exciting contract position which involves
management, education and development, and would be suitable for an
experienced hospital pharmacist seeking further challenges at both hospital
and Ministry of Health level. Please direct enquiries to Dr Gregory Dever,
Director - Bureau of Hospital and Clinical Services, Belau National
Hospital, Koror, Belau, Email <gdever@palaunet.com>, (not to me).

Murray Bailey
Coordinator in Pharmacy
Fiji School of Medicine
Private Mail Bag,
GPO, Suva,
Murray Bailey <murray_b@fsm.ac.fj>
tel: (679) 311 700 ex 1719 fax: (679) 303 469
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