[e-drug] WHO releases list of top 30 medicines to save mothers and children

E-DRUG: WHO releases list of top 30 medicines to save mothers and children

WHO is pleased to announce the launch of the 'priority medicines for
mothers and children'. [WHO/EMP/MAR/2011.1] This list of 30 medicines has been developed to
advocate for better supply and use of the most important essential
medicines in countries. The vast majority of maternal and child deaths
can be prevented when these 30 medicines are available in the right
formulations and are prescribed and used correctly.

Medicines on this new priority list were selected based on burden of
disease data and their potential for impact on maternal and child
mortality and morbidity. All medicines on the list are already in the
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and the latest WHO treatment
guidelines. The list was developed by the Department of Essential
Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies (EMP) in collaboration with the
Departments of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH) and
Making Pregnancy Safer (MPS), UNICEF and UNFPA.


[The list can be downloaded

Deirdre Dimancesco
Technical Officer
Medicines, Access and Rational Use
Department of Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies
World Health Organization
20 Ave Appia, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
"Dimancesco, Deirdre" <dimancescod@who.int>