[e-med] ICIUM 2004


Les organisateurs du Second International Conference on Improving
Use of Medicines (ICIUM2004) (Conf�rence pour am�liorer l'usage des
m�dicaments qui se tiendra en Tha�lande du 30/3 au 2/4/03) ont annonc� que
les d�lais pour l'inscription et l'envoi d'abstract a �t� prolong� :
Date limite d'envoi des abstract : 30 novembre 2003
les consignes sont en anglais ci-jointes, vu que la conf�rence se tient en

Renseignements sur www.icium.org. ou aupr�s de Ms. Mandi Mayer
<mmayer@msh.org> ou par t�l�copie (+1 703) 524 7898.

J�r�me Sclafer
mod�rateur e-med


E-drug: ICIUM 2004 Conference (cont'd)
Extension of deadline for submitting abstracts and registering for
ICIUM2004 - the Second International Conference on Improving Use of Medicines

Dear Colleagues: The organizers of the Second International Conference on
Improving Use of Medicines (ICIUM2004) remind you to apply soon for
registration and to submit abstracts for the conference. ICIUM2004 will
take place in Chiang Mai, Thailand, between March 30 and April 2, 2004. The
deadline for receiving abstracts is November 30, 2003.

Following are answers to some questions you may have.

What will I gain from ICIUM2004?

Participants will take away a state-of-the art update on key medicines
issues, as they apply to their own fields of interest and as they intersect
with other areas. Participants will also participate in generating a global
5-year research agenda on the impact of pharmaceutical policies and
interventions to improve use of medicines.

ICIUM2004 focuses on some of today's key issues in use of medicines
globally, including: access and price; improving use of medicines in the
private sector; effects of health sector reform and decentralization on
use; implications of TRIPS and globalization for appropriate use of
medicines; relationships between use, adherence, and resistance.

Researchers, national and international policy makers, clinicians, and
others working on medicines issues in specific areas (including access to
medicines, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, child health, adult health, and
antimicrobial resistance) will come together to exchange experiences and
ideas across their specialized fields of interest . ICIUM2004 is structured
so that participants may synthesize experiences within and across these
different areas.

Why and how should I apply for registration?

To allow for an interactive conference across multiple interest areas,
ICIUM2004 will be restricted to 500 participants. Applications will be
considered on a first-come, first-served basis. When you submit an
application for registration, you will be considered for participation in
ICIUM2004. Preference in registration will be given to key policy makers
and presenters of an accepted abstract from developing countries. Please
note that you need to apply for registration even if you have completed an
Expression of Interest form earlier.

The registration fee for ICIUM2004 is USD 375.00. A limited number of
scholarships for individuals from developing countries will be available.
The ICIUM2004 Organizing Committee will review your application. Upon
acceptance, you will be provided with payment information, as well as other
details about the conference. The Special daily room rate costs in the
Westin Chiang Mai (Sheraton Chiang Mai) for ICIUM2004 will range from US
$65 (single room) to US $200. Taxes, airport pick up and breakfast are
included. Lunch and coffee break are included in the conference package.

To apply for registration, please go to www.icium.org. If you prefer
non-electronic submission, you may download the application form from the
web site or contact Ms. Mandi Mayer at mmayer@msh.org and fax the completed
application to Mandi Mayer at (+1 703) 524 7898.

Which abstracts are of interest to ICIUM2004?

The focus of ICIUM2004 is evaluating the impacts of interventions and
policies on use of medicines. All submissions should have use of medicines
as their central issue. The highest rated abstracts will (1) describe the
effects of an intervention or a policy on use of medicines in a developing
or newly industrialized country; or (2) examine methods for studying
patterns or determinants of drug use in these settings. Priority will be
given to the key focus and topic areas described on www.icium.org
<http://www.icium.org/&gt; . Research from developed countries may be
submitted if the methods or findings are particularly relevant. In general,
descriptive studies will only be considered if they present useful new

Abstract guidelines can be found on www.icium.org or requested from Ms. Ann
Payson (+1 617) 509 9902.

How should I submit an abstract?

You may submit your abstract electronically on the ICIUM2004 web site,
www.icium.org . For non-electronic submission, you may download the
printable abstract submission form from the web site or request it from Ms.
Ann Payson at Harvard Medical School and fax the completed form to her (+1
617 859 8112).

The deadline for abstract submission is November 30, 2003. The ICIUM2004
Scientific Program Committee will review abstracts starting in mid-October
and inform submitting authors about the status of their abstract.

We look forward to seeing you at ICIUM!

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