E-DRUG: Bulk procurement of TB drugs in Southern Africa (3)
I think that the key issue is what are the prices being paid now in the
different countries. I would be surprised if large savings were possible
because the price of drugs often does not relate to the quantity ordered but
the reliability and speed of payment.
[indeed, there was no relation between the quantity of drugs ordered and
the price. But there were substantial price differences WB]
Also what about the quality standards?
[the study did not study this; quality was left to national systems. But
these differ indeed between the SADC countries. A regional harmonisation
effort is being planned with SEAMRAC (the Southern Eastern
Medicines Regulatory Authorities Conference) and AFDRAN (African Drug
Regulatory Authorities Network). WB]
Another issue that may complicate this process is the move by WHO and IUATLD
to encourage the use of two, three and four drug combination tablets. It is
very likely that these combination will be added to the WHO Model EDL when
the Review committee meets in November.
[Except South Africa, none of the SADC countries has yet introduced the
4-drug fixed dose combinations. The daily cost in SA of FDCs for one day during
the intensive phase is about USD 0.41, while the loose tablets will cost USD
0.22. So FDCs are nearly double the price. I will make a separate email
message with the pro's and con's of FDCs. WB]
Could we have more details of the report? Could it be published as Michael
Reich did his donations report on the Web.
[once the report has been cleared by the client (SATCI) I assume that we
will get access to the report. WB]
Richard Laing
Associate Professor of International Health
Boston University School of Public Health
715 Albany St, T4W, Boston MA 02118 USA
Tel 617 414-1444 Fax 617 638-4476
E-mail richardl@bu.edu
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