2007 Short Courses in International Health at Heidelberg University
Dear Members of afro-nets,
We would like to announce again the following Short Courses offered by the Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health of the University of Heidelberg
* Reproductive health services and HIV/AIDS: New Evidence and Strategy
* Using Research for better Practice in International Health (New!)
* Disease Control: Policies and Strategies (New!)
* Improving the Quality of Healthcare Services (New!)
* Leadership and Change Management
* Medical Anthropology as a Tool for Public Health
* Financing Health Care Principles of Insurance
* Consultancy Skills in International Cooperation in Health: Evaluation of Health
Projects and Programmes
* Consultancy Skills in International Cooperation in Health: Proposal Development targeting international donors
* Quality Management in International Health
* Health and Human Rights
* Health of Unstable Populations
* Climate Change and Health: Impact and Adaptation Policies (New!)
You can download a pdf file giving a short overview of all courses at the following website: http://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/fileadmin/inst_hygiene/tropenhygiene/PDF/Teaching/short_courses_2007.pdf
Our target group includes MDs, nurses, pharmacists, policy makers, project / programme planners, managers, social scientists, educators, consultants, health workers, etc. Participants have been sent before by e.g. GTZ, Medair, Doctors without Borders, MOHs, NGOs etc.
All courses are accredited within the international network of higher education called tropEd, which offers a master programme in International Health, but the courses are open for individual further training. The diversity of disciplines, experiences and countries represented in class, adds to the fruitful learning environment.
Using current theories, case studies and practical exercises, we continue to put stress on enhancing the skills and abilities of participants which can be put into practice in their daily work. Lecturers usually have both an academic background as well as working in International Health.
Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive a certificate of attendance by the University of Heidelberg.
Most courses are organised as two-weeks intensive courses which cost EUR 1.500.The course fee includes course materials, but not the accommodation, insurance or other personal costs during the stay. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any scholarships at present.
Early registration is advisable to ensure a seat in the courses as well as allowing time for all organisational matters.
For further information, organisation & application forms please inquire at mailto:petersen@uni-hd.de
We try to answer as soon as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes it still may take some time. Please feel free to resend your request or inquire about your registration, to ensure that it has reached the Department. (Even in our electronic age, sometimes faxes are not readable / e-mails or attachments get lost, etc).
You can also consult the web site
We hope we may be able to welcome you in Heidelberg.
Please forward this e-mail also to interested colleagues. Thank you.
Kind regards
Natascha Petersen
Ms Natascha Petersen
Programme Manager
Short Courses in International Health
Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health
University of Heidelberg
INF 324, D-69120 Heidelberg
Phone +49 6221 56 50 48
Fax +49 6221 56 49 18
E-Mail mailto:petersen@uni-hd.de