Short Courses in International Health
Short Courses in International Health Schedule 2005 at the
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Dear Sir or Madam,
We would like to announce again the following Short Courses of-
fered by the Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health of
the University of Heidelberg in 2005. All courses are accredited
within the European tropEd Master Programme in International
Health, but can also be taken individually for specific further
qualifications, certified by the University of Heidelberg. A
two-weeks course costs EUR 1,500. The course fee includes course
materials, but not the accommodation or other personal costs
during the stay. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any scholar-
For further information, organisation & application forms please or
You can also consult the web site:
Please forward this e-mail also to interested colleagues.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Natascha Petersen
Medical Anthropology as a Tool for Public Health
04 15 April 2005
The course uses ethnographic case studies from the field of
Medical Anthropology in order to create an understanding of cul-
turally constructed concepts of illness and disease. Drawing on
a range of sources from different countries, including Europe,
the manifold connections between culture and health are ex-
plored. On the basis of these case studies the methods of Medi-
cal Anthropology are explained and their usefulness and applica-
bility for health care issues are demonstrated.
Reproductive health services and HIV/AIDS: new evidence and
18 29 April 2005
The core of the course is devoted to methods for improving and
managing reproductive health in the health system with a par-
ticular focus on appropriate indicators, planning process and
service provision. Considerable attention is also given to the
future SRH agenda like infertility, new family planning methods,
anti retroviral therapy, and prevention of mother to child
transmission of HIV.
Health of Populations in Unstable Situations
02 13 May 2005
In cooperation with the Centre of Research on the Epidemiology
of Disasters (CRED), University of Louvain/B The goal of the
course is to provide a better under-standing of the issues re-
lated to the health care of refugees, internally displaced per-
sons and the affected host population in developing countries
and to the health care of migrants. The content of the course
reflects up-to-date knowledge and experience with the management
of complex disasters, complex emergencies and post-conflict
situations in the health sector.
Quality Management in International Health
06 17 June 2005
19 30 September 2005
In cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusam-
menarbeit (GTZ) mbH.
This course covers the general principles and frameworks for de-
fining and promoting the quality of health systems and services
including processes, models and tools for assuring and evaluat-
ing quality, using case studies from Germany and other coun-
tries. Included in the course is a two day training in an inter-
national quality management model.
Rational Drug Management in International Health
20 June 01 July 2005
In cooperation with Swiss Tropical Institute (STI)
The goal of this course is to enable health professionals to un-
derstand and apply the concepts of essential drugs and rational
drug management, considering national and international drug
policy and financing options, and to improve their knowledge and
skills for rational drug management. Drugs are an essential tool
for preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care. There-
fore rational drug management has become an increasingly impor-
tant topic in order to make optimal use of the drug budget and
to offer health services of the highest possible standard.
Consultancy Skills in International Cooperation in Health - Pro-
posal Development targeting international donors
04 08 July 2005
At the end of the course the participants will be able to de-
velop and write a project proposal targeting international do-
1. Describe the health sector of the country in which the pro-
posal will be developed
2. Describe different approaches to planning
3. Define and apply the principles of effective writing of a
project proposal
4. Describe the principles of assessment and evaluation of pro-
Consultancy Skills in International Cooperation in Health -
Evaluation of Health Projects and Programmes
11 22 July 2005
The goal of this module is to enable the participants evaluate a
health service project or programme and write an evaluation re-
port for a Ministry of Health and a funding agency.
1. Describe the health care sector of the country in which the
evaluation takes place
2. Apply the principles of effective writing on evaluations
3. Describe the basic principles and processes for the evalua-
tion of health projects and programmes
4. Explain basic skills to evaluate a project or programme as a
5. Demonstrate knowledge about the important steps to set up a
consultancy unit
Health and Human Rights
01 18 August 2005
This course of study covers the general concepts and principles
of human rights, their relationship to, and impact within the
health sector. The course will use case studies from numerous
countries, with a focus on low and middle-income countries, and
the experiences of those within the course, to examine the vital
role of human rights within the health sector. Participants will
have the opportunity to practice incorporating human rights into
policies, strategies, monitoring and evaluation.
Financing Health Care Principles of Insurance
07 18 November 2005
The overall objective of this module is to learn experiences and
lessons learnt from different countries in the area of financing
health care, which can then be applied to different contexts. In
addition, discussion of cases will enable the students to de-
velop an analytic approach to problem solving and apply theo-
retical knowledge to a real life context.
Ms Natascha Petersen
Short Courses in International Health
Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health
University of Heidelberg
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel. +49-6221-567-065
Fax: +49 6221 564-918