[afro-nets] AfGH Online Discussions on Health Aid Effectiveness

How effective is European Aid to the Health Sector? Join us for an online discussion!

Between October 2010 and April 2011, DSW and the Action for Global Health (AfGH) Network are organising an online discussion on Aid Effectiveness in the health sector. You can register for this discussion at: http://my.ibpinitiative.org/reproductiveaid/afgh

This month, please give us your opinion on the following topic:

Who owns Health Aid?

Country Ownership and Civil Society Participation in the Health Sector




1- Comment by a CSO in a developing country:

"Donors and governments still dictate the priority issues to be supported. Urgent needs are sometimes neglected".

Response by a European donor: "Priority issues are taken from country development frameworks - upon which all stakeholders in the country are consulted, as long as they speak up. Of course not every input might be considered, as the aim is to establish a national plan [.] If we wish to respect the principle of ownership, we cannot oblige governments to invite Civil Society organisations to their policy making processes".

AfGH Questions:

- In your opinion, who defines health aid priorities and health policies in developing countries? Please explain your answer.

- Do you think that the meaningful engagement of Civil Society in policy-making processes in developing countries should be seen as "a responsibility of the government" or as a shared responsibility between all actors (donors, CSOs and the government)?

- In the light of CSOs' key role with regard to health services delivery, should donors see them as true partners for development or as "sub-contractors" or both?

What concrete measures can donors take to make decision-making processes in developing countries more participatory and to ensure that follow-up is given to CSO recommendations? Can you name any best-practice examples related to the health sector?

- How can we ensure that a representative diversity of CSOs, including those working on health, participates in decision-making processes?

2- In-country European Donor agency: "I don't understand why any CSO in this country would be misinformed about funding opportunities and consultation processes. The problem is rather that CSOs are misinformed because they don't check our website regularly, don't read the guidelines carefully or don't participate at the information sessions".

AfGH Question: Do you think that information about European aid programmes and funding opportunities for CSO projects, as well as consultation processes/ procedures is always transparent and easily accessible? Please explain your answer, preferably by giving best-practice examples, recommendations and/or indicating obstacles/challenges encountered.

Basic guidelines for participating in the Forum

1. Registration. In order to be able to participate, you need to register first at the following link:

Click on "Join this group". Then fill out the details requested on the registration form:

* Please include your name, organisational affiliation and country to help everyone get to know each other better and help us keep records on participation by organisation and country.

* Always try to keep your comment related to the subject under discussion that week.

* Messages should be in English only.

* All submissions will be identified by name and country unless you request otherwise.

* Messages should not exceed four paragraphs or about 500 words.

If you have a problem sending a message or posting online, contact

2. To participate online, go to the following web site:


Click on LOGIN at the bottom left of the screen. Your username is your email and your password is the one you supplied when you registered. Then click, under "communities" (left hand side of the screen) on "AfGH Discussion on Health Aid Effectiveness". At the community home page, click on the discussions link to respond or comment. At the next screen, click on the discussion item you want to respond to and follow the online directions. Or click on start discussion to start a new discussion. Discussions are the online version of e-mails. Your comment will not appear online immediately, as it will be sent to the moderators first.


Lost or forgotten passwords

If you forget your password, you can give yourself a new password any time. Go to the log-in page at http://my.ibpinitiative.org/reproductiveaid/afgh and click on "forgot password". Follow the online directions. If you still have a problem, send us an e-mail to advocacy@dsw-brussels.org

Community Library

In the community library, you'll find useful documents with background
information for this discussion, divided up by the weeks and topics.

If you any other questions, please contact
Sibylle Koenig - Sibylle.koenig@dsw-brussels.org
or Johannes Conrads - advocacy@dsw-brussels.org

Enjoy the discussion!

Sibylle Koenig
EU Liaison Officer
German Foundation for World Population (DSW)
Place du Luxembourg 2-3
1050 Brussels
phone: +32-(0)2-504-9063
fax: +32-(0)2-502-6752