[afro-nets] Africa Losing Nurses to Britain (2)

Africa Losing Nurses to Britain (2)

Instead of this being a call for African governments to reshape
their actions to better the working conditions, they are using
cronyism to place obstacles in the way of these nurses to pre-
vent them from having the chance to better their lives. African
governments see them as vital manpower, but makes no effort to
provide the incentives to keep them at home. British and Ameri-
can governments also see them as vital health care assets but go
further to create the good environment that would enable them to
work as well as improve their lives.

If you go to any of these African countries, nurses, teachers,
and scientists are not well paid at all. I know of nurses who
depend on the appreciation of their patients in the form of
gifts of food and livestock to make ends meet: On the other
hand, in the U.S. and Britain where there is also nurse short-
age, constant effort is being made to provide incentives for
these hardworking citizens of the world. This is the reality of
globalization; it is also an opportunity for African leaders to
get their acts together; and to compete to keep these fine pro-
fessionals: Ask any of them, nobody really wants to be away from
their countries and loved one.

African countries receive numerous monetary aid to help shape
their healthcare systems; and where does the money go? Into the
pockets of a few administrators who think more about their driv-
ers than their nations. Unless these leaders change their ways
African countries will keep training smart hardworking nurses
for the west. Nurses are not the only professionals leaving Af-
rica to emancipate themselves from the "stress of sacrifices"
they sincerely make to their beloved countries: Physicians, Sci-
entists, teachers.

And the youth are all leaving in droves. The only thing these
leaders can do is to complain that their professionals are leav-
ing. The conditions these hardworking professionals work in, is
for a better word "inhumane"; and it is their right to better
their lives. Nobody else would do it for them. The WHO, British,
and U.S. governments should ask these whining leaders what is
really causing the exodus. I bet they will pretend they don't

Douglas Osei-Hyiaman, M.Med.Sci., M.D., Ph.D.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism
National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
12420 Parklawn Dr. MSC-8115, room 445
Bethesda, MD 20892-8115
Tel.: +1-301-496-6777