[afro-nets] Africa Losing Nurses to Britain (6)

Africa Losing Nurses to Britain (6)
Dear All

It is really funny for us to be saying that this great continent
is losing health workers! Let us be objective to ourselves, and
answer these questions:
1. Are the governments we have in Africa population oriented or
a group of people there to fill their pockets and answer to a
master somewhere?

2. What are the salary situations in most African countries?

3. Do we Africans love ourselves and this continent that pro-
duces the world's raw material and labour force?

Personally I have decided to talk on this point because we are
looking just at the event not the root cause of the problems. I
have my humble proposal that we can together look at the major
causes of this problem and propose a solution and maybe call
some of the governments to explain!

Azeh John Muma
Nkwen, Bamenda, Cameroon