Fees for Training Courses
There have been queries concerning the fees for the courses organised
by the Biomedical Research and Training Institute in collaboration
with other institutes like the Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory,
Provider Support Unit etc. The Biomedical Research and Training
Institute (BRTI) was established in 1995 as a centre of excellence
for coordinated research and training in biomedicine, epidemiology,
laboratory technology and related areas of medicine and health for
the Southern African Region. It is a non-profit organization whose
major thrust is to harness and maximally utilise the expert knowledge
on health and disease in the region and beyond to the greater benefit
of the SADC community and indeed to Africa as a whole. The courses
being offered by BRTI are highly competitive and the fees are
designed to just meet the minimum organizational and teaching
requirements necessary to run the courses.
In 1997, the following courses are offered:
1. Research methodology Training Course for Disease Control
Officers in the SADC region
Dates: 10-20 March 1997
Fees: US$2 900 per person
2. Data Handling, Biostatistics and Use of EpiInfo 6.
Dates: 28 April - 23 May 1997
Fees: US$ 4 500 (approximately)
3. Data handling, Biostatistics and Use of SPSS for Windows
Dates: 15 September - 10 October 1997
4. Health Care Management Development Programme
Dates: First week of April (to be confirmed)
Fees: to be advised
Please note this course was postponed from the 16-22 February.
For these courses, the fees cover the following: Air fare, hotel
accommodation in Harare upon arrival, full board accommodation at
course venue, costs of social events during weekends, course material
(course modules, lecture notes, calculator, booklet of statistical
tables, stationery, etc) and a weekly fee equivalent to US$50 to
cover local transportation in host country, laundry, drinks and
miscellaneous expenses during the course and terminal costs upon
leaving Harare after the course.
A limited number of full scholarships are available from the course
organisers. However these scholarships are very limited in number and
aspiring candidates are encouraged to seek sponsorship from their
employers and donor agencies.
Other courses offered by BRTI include
1. Interpretation and Quality Control of Laboratory Diagnosis of
Infectious Diseases
Dates: 26 May - 6 June 1997
Fees: US$1 000 per person
2. African Course in Serological Diagnostic Techniques
Dates: March/February 1998 (dates to be confirmed). This is
normally a 6 week course.
Fees: US$4 500 per person
For these two courses which are mainly laboratory-based, the fees do
not include air fares and accommodation in Harare. While the fees may
appear very high, they are in fact very moderate considering that the
chemicals and laboratory consumables for the courses are quite
expensive as most have to be imported. On the other hand, the courses
are highly competitive judging by the feedback from former
participants and their employers and also judging by the very high
response rate, in terms of overwhelming applications from all over
Africa. We do understand that there are some people who cannot attend
these courses due to limited financial resources. BRTI could try to
seek sponsorship for such people but cannot guarantee sponsorship to
I hope this brief will satisfy those who had queries about the fees
for the courses offered by BRTI and its collaborators.
Course Co-ordinator,
Biomedical Research & Training Institute (BRTI)
P.O.Box CY 1753
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-307899
Fax: +263-4-307898
E-mail: brti@samara.co.zw
or blair@healthnet.zw
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.