AFRO-NETS> Front line health workers (2)

Front line health workers (2)

Dear Afro-netters,

Today, I have passed on copies of e-mail messages about this topic to
Dr Bewes (the author of CME documents), who was happy about Helga's
clarification. Let me add/emphasise the following:

a) CME materials: These materials are not academic - they are practi-
   cal, simplified, well illustrated and the details are just enough
   for the target audience. All health workers in Uganda understand
   English, so the language too is not a problem. The materials are
   not designed primarily for the communities.

b) The Digests: In every Digest, there is a form for full article re-
   quests. Health workers do use this form to send requests for full
   articles which we send to them. In fact, the issue of full docu-
   ment arrangement was high on the agenda during the preparations
   and actual implementation of the "updating service" if I can
   borrow Helga's words. Furthermore, our (Albert Cook Library) Di-
   gest, which started this year after the transfer of Robert Kakembo
   from here to the Education library, do include abstracts from both
   the international data bases and from our local data base which
   contributes to AIM.

We do need real practical experience of those involved in the provi-
sion of health information at grassroots level. I look forward to
getting comments about this.

Maria Musoke
Deputy University Librarian - Medical
Albert Cook Medical Library
Makerere Univ. Medical School
P.O.Box 7072 Kampala. Uganda.
Fax: +256-41-530024

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