[afro-nets] Global Fund - World Bank HIV/AIDS programmes: Comparative advantage study

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Global Fund - World Bank HIV/AIDS programmes: Comparative advantage study

The Global Fund and the World Bank need to concentrate more on exploiting their respective comparative advantages

Authors: A Shakow
Publisher: World Bank, 2006


This study was undertaken at the request of the Global Fund and the World Bank (HIV/AIDS Global Program Team) in response to a recommendation in June 2005 from the Global Task Team (GTT) that the two institutions should "evaluate and clarify areas of overlap, comparative advantages and complementarities". The report is based on interviews conducted with a wide range of stakeholders and suggests a number of ways synergies can be achieved between the two organisations.

The report concludes that both organisations need to concentrate more on exploiting their respective comparative advantages – with the World Bank taking the lead on helping to strengthen health delivery systems while the Global Fund concentrates on disease programs. Both agencies need to emphasise the critical importance of aligning their programmes with country priorities and harmonise their approaches to make working together with their partners easier for all concerned. This will take significant effort and creative leadership in both institutions, but staff members are reported to be eager for this improved relationship. The report finishes with action plans for World Bank and Global Fund to implement these recommendations. [adapted from author]

Vern Weitzel