"Health Training" website - now online
The new "Health Training" website is an internet-based inven-
tory providing comprehensive information on postgraduate train-
ing and further education opportunities in the field of Inter-
national Health.
International Health focuses on poverty-related health problems
in low and middle-income countries. It includes the promotion
of health, prevention and treatment of diseases, palliative
care and rehabilitation. The main emphasis is on studies on
health systems, health economics, health policy and management
of health services. International health integrates a number of
disciplines including anthropology, biology, clinical and nurs-
ing sciences, demography, economics, epidemiology, nutrition,
psychology, public health, sociology, statistics, travel & mi-
grant health and tropical medicine.
"Health Training" offers an easy way to identify the course,
which is most appropriate for an individual or an organisation
seeking training opportunities in International Health. And for
the institutions providing courses in International Health,
"Health Training" opens a unique door to the internet market
place, using the possibilities offered by the web:
- direct access from all over the world
- online searching
- frequent and fast updates
- links to the relevant institution's homepages and e-mail
"Health Training" is based on an online inventory provided
since 1997 by Medicus Mundi Switzerland which has been com-
pletely re-designed. The inventory is now even easier to han-
dle: its integrated search machine allows a combined search by
topics, institutions, degree types and countries. The Health
Training website also provides links to the already existing
online training opportunities.
"Health Training" is provided by Medicus Mundi Switzerland, the
Swiss network of organisations dealing with International
Health. We hope that you like the result of our effort of net-
working between schools, organisations and individuals inter-
ested in the field of International Health. Any feedback is
most welcome!
The website administrators
Switzerland (MMS)
Anita Glatt Benammar and Thomas Schwarz
Murbacherstrasse 34,
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
Tel: +41-61-383-1810
Fax: +41-61-383-1811
Health Training Website:
MMS Website:
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.