Leadership for public health in Africa (2)
Greetings from Canada to AFRO-NETS colleagues:
Regarding Derek Yach's question about leadership for public health in
Africa, you may be interested to know about a workshop on health
leadership which has been arranged by the Better Health in Africa (BHA)
initiative, led by Professor Ransome-Kuti, currently with the World Bank
in Washington (and formerly Minister of Health, Nigeria). The Expert
Panel of the BHA Initiative is meeting in Lusaka, Zambia from April
28-May 3. Included in the week-long meeting is a workshop on Health
Leadership. I have been invited to help as a facilitator for this meeting.
I would be particularly interested to know the following:
1. Is there any other current projects or programs re: health leadership
in Africa? Contact names (and e-mails) would be most welcome.
2. Does anyone know of any literature (books, articles) re: leadership
(and better still, HEALTH leadership) which is specific to Africa?
Comments, ideas and any leads are welcome.
Vic Neufeld
Vic Neufeld, M.D.
Centre for International Health
HSC 3N44, McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA, L8N 3Z5
Voice: +1-905-525-9140 x 22033
Fax: +1-905-525-1445
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