AFRO-NETS> MSH Course: Strategic Leadership in Public Health

MSH Course: Strategic Leadership in Public Health

June 13-30, 2000
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Dear Colleagues,

These are just a few of the comments made by last year's participants
in Management Sciences for Health's (MSH) Course in Strategic Leader-

" relevant and timely"

"excellent...I hope more leaders from the developing world can at-

"skills acquired are applicable to the real world situation..."

"This course has helped me know myself better. This will help me re-
late better with both my boss and colleagues. It will also help me
manage my time better".

We are currently accepting applications for this year's course,
"Strategic Leadership in Public Health", which will take place in
Boston, Massachusetts, USA from June 13-30, 2000.

Designed for senior-level managers and decision-makers who hold or
anticipate significant leadership responsibilities, the course fo-
cuses on leadership rather than management. It emphasizes the impor-
tance of change and of productive relationships. Participants will
leave the course with their perception sharpened, and with the in-
creased ability to inspire and mobilize others to bring about desired
change, and to achieve common goals.

The course is highly interactive. It creates a safe environment
within which participants are able to take a critical look at them-
selves as leaders, to assess and improve their leadership abilities,
and to practice these in real and simulated situations.

Participants in the course will:

* Explore the various dimensions of leadership and management;
* Understand your own style as a leader and the impact you have on
* Reflect on the importance of a safe environment that encourages
  people to tell you what you need to hear;
* Sharpen your ability to perceive what is happening around you and
  what is needed in relation to yourself and the environment in which
  you operate;
* Improve your capacity to be flexible and seize the moment.

To request further information and to enrol, please contact us:

or visit our website at:

We hope that you will join us in this important leadership develop-
ment opportunity.

Sincerely yours,

Lindsay McMahon
MSH Management Training
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