Mosquito/Malaria Control (28)
Interesting debate this one. I do not intend to contribute to
the ongoing debate - just to give a personal experience. I grew
up in a bed-net in the early 70's in rural Kenya - my dad, who
worked for some missionaries at the time, was very keen on the
same. Very good quality nets those ones were, quite long-lasting
too! Nothing like the Shs 50 bed-nets I am seeing on the streets
these days. - I wonder how long these ones last!
The use of the bed-net at the time not withstanding, some of my
most vivid childhood memories are those of the days I came down
with cerebral malaria, and relatives praying over my near-death
bed in mobile dispensaries. I joined school at age 6 and the
same year, my dad succumbed to malaria - by the time the mobile
dispensary arrived, it was too late. Several years down the line
and a mother of little kids myself, I refuse to use the bed-net!
There's got to be a better way of dealing with the mosquito.
Pauline NM Mwinzi, PhD
P.O. Box 1578
Kisumu 40100, Kenya
Tel (Lab): +254-57-2022-902 Ext 495
Cell: +254-721-308-588
Fax: +254-57-2022-981