On the Horizon - electronic news capsule - June 2001
"On the Horizon" is an electronic news capsule from the Horizons Pro-
gram. Horizons <http://www.popcouncil.org/horizons/horizons.html> is
a global operations research project designed to:
* Identify and test potential strategies to improve HIV/AIDS preven-
tion, care, and support programs and service delivery.
* Disseminate best practices and utilize findings with a view toward
replication and scaling up of successful interventions.
Horizons is implemented by the Population Council in partnership with
the International Center for Research on Women, the International
HIV/AIDS Alliance, the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health,
Tulane University, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Several of the longer publications are only available as PDF files on
the web. If you are not able to open a PDF file and would like to re-
ceive a text file, please contact us:
(please specify which version of WORD or other format that you need).
Horizons Report Spring 2001 Focus on VCT:
Findings from Africa Feature Stories:
* "HIV and Partner Violence: What are the implications for voluntary
counseling and testing?"
* "Making VCT More Youth-Friendly: Designing services to reach young
* "Study Examines Package of Services for Prevention of Mother-to-
Child HIV Transmission"
Studies in Brief:
* "Assessment of Anti-Trafficking Efforts Find Disunity Among NGOs"
Kathmandu, Nepal
* "NGO Seminar Examines the Challenges of Scaling-up" Windsor, UK
* "Men and Women Differ in Expectations About Male Involvement in
Pregnancy" Harare, Zimbabwe
* "New HIV/AIDS Resource Allocation Tool Soon Available" Washington,
DC Full Report (available in pdf only at this time):
Transitions to Adulthood in the Context of AIDS in South Africa:
Report of Wave I
A prospective study of reproductive behavior and sexual health of
adolescents in South Africa as well as their education and employment
experiences, family and environmental conditions, and other factors
in their lives that may influence their sexual behavior and choices.
The Transitions study is designed to contribute to our understanding
of how the national Life Skills Programme works and its effectiveness
in changing the behavior of students. The final goal of this study is
to contribute to designing and refining policies and programs that
will improve opportunities and capacities of adolescents and may con-
tribute to changing behaviors and choices. This study is conducted by
the School of Development Studies at the University of Natal, Durban;
the Horizons Program; the Policy Research Division of the Population
Council; Focus on Young Adults; and MEASURE/Evaluation Project of Tu-
lane University in New Orleans. Full Report (available in pdf only):
Copyright c 2001 The Population Council, Inc.
Sherry Hutchinson
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