AFRO-NETS> On the Horizon - September 2001

On the Horizon - September 2001

"On the Horizon" is an electronic news capsule from the Horizons Pro-
gram. Horizons <; is
a global operations research project designed to:
* Identify and test potential strategies to improve HIV/AIDS preven-
  tion, care, and support programs and service delivery.
* Disseminate best practices and utilize findings with a view toward
  replication and scaling up of successful interventions.

Horizons is implemented by the Population Council in partnership with
the International Center for Research on Women, the International
HIV/AIDS Alliance, the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health,
Tulane University, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Several of the longer publications are only available as PDF files on
the web. If you are not able to open a PDF file and would like to re-
ceive a text file, please contact us at <> (please
specify which version of word or other format that you need).

Making a Difference for Children Affected by AIDS: Baseline Findings
from Operations Research in Uganda

Many organizations provide support services to children affected by
AIDS in East and southern Africa. Yet few of these programs have been
evaluated. In Uganda, PLAN International, Makerere University, and
the Horizons Program are collaborating on a study to assess the im-
pact of an orphan support program on the physical, educational, and
emotional well-being of children. The researchers are also studying a
different program, called succession planning, in which children are
reached before the death of the parent. This intervention includes
helping parents to write wills and appoint guardians, creating family
"memory books," and other activities that promote the long-term well-
being of children. The baseline sample includes 353 parents who are
HIV-positive, 495 children of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), 233
orphans, and 326 current and standby guardians. Full Report (avail-
able in PDF only):

Sherry A. Hutchinson
Editorial Staff Assistant
Horizons Program - Population Council
4301 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 280
Washington DC 20008, USA
Tel: +1-202-237-9423
Fax: +1-202-237-8410

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