Resources from the Horizons Project
"On the Horizon" is an electronic news capsule from the Horizons Pro-
Horizons <> is a
global operations research project designed to:
* Identify and test potential strategies to improve HIV/AIDS preven-
tion, care, and support programs and service delivery.
* Disseminate best practices with a view toward replication and scal-
ing up of successful interventions.
Horizons is implemented by the Population Council in partnership with
the International Center for Research on Women, the International
HIV/AIDS Alliance, the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health,
Tulane University, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Several of the longer publications are only available as PDF files on
the web. If you are not able to open a PDF file and would like to re-
ceive a text file, please contact us:
(please specify which version of Word or other format that you need).
Promoting 100 Percent Condom Use in Dominican Sex Establishments
Thailand's 100 Percent Condom Program has been credited with signifi-
cant increases in consistent condom use and declining incidence of
sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among female sex workers and
their clients. Its success has prompted many to ask if similar pro-
grams could be adapted for other settings. In the Dominican Republic,
Horizons works with two local NGOs and the National Program for the
Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS to test two models
of an adapted version of the Thai program.
Research Summary:
The Female Condom: Dynamics of Use in Urban Zimbabwe
In July 1997, Population Services International (PSI), at the request
of the Zimbabwe National AIDS Coordination Programme (NACP), launched
a social marketing program for the female condom in Zimbabwe. Ap-
proximately one year later, the Horizons Project and PSI conducted a
descriptive, cross-sectional study of female condom users, male con-
dom users, and non-users of either barrier method. The goal of this
research is to increase understanding of the patterns and dynamics of
female condom use in order to inform policymakers and program plan-
ners involved in decisions about promotion and distribution of the
female condom.
Research Summary:
Full Report (available only in PDF on the web):
HIV and Partner Violence
An important component of HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT)
programs is encouraging clients to inform partners of their sero-
status. Yet many clients do not disclose results to partners. Re-
searchers have found that a serious barrier to disclosure for women
is fear of a violent reaction by male partners and that HIV-infected
women are at increased risk for partner violence. Building on previ-
ous research, this study explores the links between HIV infection,
serostatus disclosure, and partner violence among women attending the
Muhimbili Health Information Center (MHIC), a VCT clinic in Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania.
Research Summary:
Full Report (available only in PDF on the web):
Horizons AIDSQuest
AIDSQuest, the HIV/AIDS Survey Library, is a resource for researchers
and others developing HIV/AIDS-related data collection tools. Hori-
zons collected surveys from a number of international and local or-
ganizations and from the published literature. Information on how
each survey was developed and used is provided. Also featured in AIDS-
Quest are methodological tips on designing AIDS-related questions.
Sherry Hutchinson
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