The Population Council-On the Horizon
"On the Horizon" is an electronic news capsule from the Horizons Pro-
gram. Horizons (<>\)
is a global operations research project designed to:
Identify and test potential strategies to improve HIV/AIDS preven-
tion, care, and support programs and service delivery. Disseminate
findings to facilitate replication and scaling up of successful in-
Horizons is implemented by the Population Council in partnership with
Family Health International, the International Center for Research on
Women, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, John Hopkins University,
the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, Tulane University,
and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Several of the longer publications are only available as PDF files on
the web. If you are not able to open a PDF file and would like to re-
ceive a text file, please contact us at: (please specify which version of word or
other format that you need).
Interventions to Reduce HIV/AIDS Stigma: What Have We Learned? This
paper reviews 21 intervention studies that explicitly attempted to
decrease AIDS stigma both in developed and developing countries and 9
studies that aimed to decrease stigma related to other diseases. The
studies selected met stringent evaluation criteria in order to draw
common lessons for future development of interventions to combat
HIV/AIDS-related stigma. Full Report:
HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing Among Youth: Results from an ex-
ploratory study in Nairobi, Kenya, and Kampala and Masaka, Uganda Are
VCT programs appropriate for young people, who account for the major-
ity of all new HIV infections in East and southern Africa? To find
out, researchers from several organizations/institutions in Kenya and
Uganda conducted exploratory research to identify opportunities for
and barriers to providing VCT for youth. The first phase of the
study, completed in May 2000, indicates that youth would like access
to HIV testing and counselling services if the services are confiden-
tial and inexpensive and if the results are reported honestly. Full
Reducing HIV Infection Among Youth: What Can Schools Do? Key Baseline
Findings from Mexico, Thailand, and South Africa. Although many pro-
gram planners see schools as a convenient location for HIV prevention
programs, there is controversy about whether school programs can be
strong enough to go beyond improving knowledge and attitudes to in-
creasing the adoption of safe sexual behaviours. Researchers in Mex-
ico, South Africa, and Thailand are conducting evaluations of school
programs that focus on this question. In each country, the research-
ers collected baseline data, which showed that sexually experienced
students do not always see themselves at higher risk than sexually
inexperienced youth and that students often misjudge their peer's
level of sexual activity. Full Report:
Hutchinson, Sherry
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