[afro-nets] Raw Data/Results - Internet access and ICT training for health workers in sub-Saharan Africa questionnaire

Raw Data/Results - Internet access and ICT training for health workers in sub-Saharan Africa questionnaire

Dear Colleagues,

I am attaching the results of the 'Internet access and ICT training for health workers in sub-Saharan Africa' questionnaire. We have 47 completed surveys and thank everyone that took the time to finish it.

The information is raw data. At this time, we have not analyzed the data nor transformed it into graphs. We plan to present the analysis at the AHILA Congress in late October. We also will ask the participants of the conference who have not completed the questionnaire to answer the survey. This will expand the volume of data. Our final goal is to publish the information and analysis in an 'open access' journal.

If you have completed the questionnaire, could you kindly answer one more question that we omitted in the original questionnaire. In advance, thanks for your continued assistance:

1. Are you aware about the existence of (African Index Medicus) AIM?
Yes___ No___
If yes, have you accessed AIM? Never ___ sometimes ___ often ___

Yours truly,

Lenny Rhine
Grace Ajuwon

P.S. sorry for the cross-postings

Chers coll?gues,

Je joints les r?sultats du questionnaire concernant l?acc?s ? Internet et la formation sur la Technologie de l?Information et de la communication pour les professionnels de sant? en Afrique Sub- saharienne.

Nous avons re?us 47 r?ponses et nous remercions chacun d?entre vous qui a pris le temps de le compl?ter.

L?information n?est pas encore trait?e. A pr?sent nous n?avons pas encore analys? les donn?es ni les mettre sous forme de graphiques.

Nous projetons pr?senter l?analyse au cours du 10? congr?s d?AHILA/AIBSA en octobre.

Nous allons ?galement demander aux participants ? la conf?rence qui n?ont pas encore compl?t? le questionnaire d?y r?pondre. Ceci permettra d?augmenter le volume des donn?es.

Notre objectif final est de publier l?information et l?analyse dans un journal d?acc?s en ligne.

Si vous avez compl?t? le questionnaire, voudriez ? vous bien r?pondre aux un question suppl?mentaires que nous avons oubli?es dans le premier questionnaire.

Nous vous remercions d?avance pour votre habituelle collaboration.

1. Etes - vous au courant de l'existence de l'Index Medicus Africain?
Oui ____ Non ____

Si oui, avez - vous d?j? acc?d? ? AIM?

Jamais ____ De temps en temps _____ Souvent _____

Sinc?rement ? vous

Lenny Rhine.
Grace Ajuwon

Section 1: Internet Access

1. At work, do you have access to the Internet?
a. Yes 41 no 6
(If yes, continue with questions #2-4; if no, go to question #5)

2. Is the Internet access via:
a. phone line/modem 6
b. dedicated link within the organization to an Internet Service Provider 20
c. internal link within the organization to a server with satellite access 9
d. direct link to a server with satellite access 7
e. network link via a consortia 1
f. other (please specify)
g. don?t know 1

3. Describe the reliability of your Internet access at work:
a. very good 11
b. good 19
c. average 9
d. poor 2
e. very poor 1

4. Describe the Internet speed at your institution/organization:
a. very good 7
b. good 14
c. average 13
d. poor 4
e. very poor 3

5. What are your uses of the Internet (check one or more):
a. email ? work related 41
b. email ? personal 30
c. searching for information ? work related 44
d. searching for information ? personal 24
e. reading fulltext documents ? work related 37
f. reading fulltext documents ? personal 18

6. Pertaining to health information, have you used the following resources?
a. PubMed/Medline never 2 sometimes 22 often 23
b. Google (for searching) never 1 sometimes 6 often 40
c. other search engines never 4 sometimes 17 often 10 (6 for Yahoo)
d. HINARI never 16 sometimes 16 often 15 (note: respondents from South Africa and WHO affiliated institutions are not eligible for access to HINARI)
e. other fulltext journal sources (PERI) never 12 sometimes 8 often 16 (some listed specific journals BMJ - or GIFT for WHO affiliates)
                  f. INASP health links (gateway) never 18 sometimes 10 often 4
g. other gateways never 20 sometimes 8 often 8
h. WHO/Geneva website never 10 sometimes 21 often 14
i. other organizational websites never 6 sometimes 21 often 11 (Wellcome Trust, FAO, UNAIDS, UNICEF)
j. AHILA-NET, HIF-NET or AFRO-NET discussion groups never 19 sometimes 6 often 19
k. other email discussion groups never 15 sometimes 13 often 10
l. other Internet resources (please specify): Popline, Eldis, Cochrane Library, SIDAnet, medical sites, ICT sites, etc.

7. Note the types of health related information you use:
a. clinical never 5 sometimes 21 often 17
b. research never 1 sometimes 16 often 26
c. consumer health never 7 sometimes 21 often 8
d. preventive medicine never 6 sometimes 22 often 11
e. public health never 3 sometimes 17 often 26
f. administrative and/or policy never 11 sometimes 19 often 10

      8. If you do not have access at work, how do you obtain access to the Internet?
a. Internet caf? ? access at work 15/no access 6
b. at home ? access at work 8/no access 1
c. at a friend?s house ? access at work 2/no access 1

Section 2: Training

1. How did you first learn to use electronic resources (check one or more)?
a. Self-taught (reading books/ articles, tutorials, etc) 29
b. From family, friend or colleague 11
c. Short course (paid) 13
d. Library training 14
e. An in-house training at place of work 16
f. Part of an Undergraduate/Postgraduate course 11

2. Have you ever received formal training in the use of Information and
        Communication Technology (ICT)?
a. Yes 33 no 14

3. If yes, did you receive such training in the last one year?
a. .yes 15 no 18

4. Please select the skills you obtained from this training (check one or more):
a. Microsoft Office (Word, Access, Excel or Power Point, etc) 25
b. E-mail / Internet 27
c. Search online databases such as MEDLINE/PUBMED 23
d. Retrieve and download full articles from HINARI and/or other free resources 16
  e. How to use search engines 20
f. Digitization processes 9
g. Database design 11
h. Copyright / data protection laws 2
i. Computer-mediated communication (e.g. online discussion lists) 10
j. HTML / XML or other Web design software 16
k. JAVA / JAVASCRIPT or another computer programming language 1

5. Have any of the following factors prevented you from attending an ICT training course? (Only tabulated ?yes? responses)
a. Lack of budget for staff training courses at current workplace 22
b. Pressures of current workload 13
c. No courses at any locations nearby 9
d. Personal / family commitments 5
e. Other (please specify) 1 lack of access to computers/Internet

6. Do you require further training on ICTs to enable you perform your job effectively?
  a.. yes 39 no 4

7. If yes, which of the following areas would you like to
receive further training?(Only tabulated ?yes? responses)
a. Microsoft Office (Word, Access, Excel or Power Point) 15
b. E-mail / Internet 7
  c. Online information searching and retrieval 26
d. Digitization processes 37
e. Database design 37
f. Web development (HTML / XML or other Web design software) 28
g. Computer-mediated communication (e.g. online discussion lists) 18
h. Others (please specify) 1 computer maintenance/engineering/repair

8. Which training format do you prefer (check one or more)?
a. Online training via email 17
b. Face to face with an instructor 28
c. Power Point presentations 18
d. Practical training involving hands-on 33

9. With a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being expert and 1 unable to use), rate your competence in the use of the following?
                Expert Beginner Unable
               5 4 3 2 1 0
CD-ROM databases (MEDLINE) 8 11 11 7 5
Internet /Web 12 13 15 4
E-mail 18 15 7 1
E-mail discussion list or groups 8 9 11 7 7
Search engines 7 18 15 5 2
Online databases (PubMed) 10 20 10 6
Online journals (HINARI) 8 12 10 9 7

10. How useful will you find training in each of the following?

           Essential Useful
Using computers 24 9
Searching CD-ROM databases 13 21
Finding information on the Internet 25 16
Evaluating information on the Internet 22 20
Searching online databases 19 21
Using online journals 24 20
      Using EBM information services 17 9

Section 3: Background

1. Check the category that best defines your position
a. health information worker 36
b. health worker (doctor, nurse) 6
c. health officer 1
d. health administrator 1
e. health ministry personnel 6
f. ngo employee 3
g. other (please specify) 3
(some listed multiple categories)

2. If you are a health information worker or officer, specify the users of the information you obtain (check one or more):
a. yourself 24
b. clinical staff 30
c. research staff 37
d. administrative/management staff 30
e. governmental staff 16
f. ngo staff 19
g. consumers 8
h. others (please specify) 4 - trainers, consultants, medical students

3. How long have you been employed in this position?
a. less than one year 7
b. one to four years 10
c. five to nine years 12
d. ten or more years 16

4. Note the country you live in and the type of environment
a. country Nigeria 7, Kenya 5, Mozambique 4 Zimbabwe/Malawi 3, others 2 or less
b. capitol 29 satellite city or large town 19 rural area 4

5. How did you receive information about this questionnaire? (check one or more)
b. HIF-NET 10
d. FAME (Forum for African Medical Editors) 5
e. Nigeria Library Association Online 5
(some listed multiple sources)

Lenny Rhine
Grace Ajuwon