AFRO-NETS> RFI: AIDS in the Road Transport Sector (2)

RFI: AIDS in the Road Transport Sector (2)

Dear Mike,

You may try to contact AMREF (Tanzania) or their Head Office in Nai-
robi. I understand they were (or are still) involved in interventions
to combat transmission of STD's and HIV along major highways in Tanza-
nia. One of their target group was truck drivers using the highways.

Unfortunately I do not have addresses of the two offices or more infor-
mation about the project. Probably other AFRO-NET members can provide.


Msafiri Kweba
Oshakati State Hospital
Private Bag x5501
Oshakati, NAMIBIA
Tel: +264-65-220897
Fax: +264-65-221082


From the Moderator:

AMREF Headquarters
           Contact Address:
           P.O. Box 30125
           Nairobi, Kenya
           Tel: +254-2-501301
           Fax: +254-2-609518

AMREF Tanzania Country Office
           Contact Address:
           P.O. Box 2773
           Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
           Tel: +255-51-116610
           Fax: +255-51-115823

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