[afro-nets] RFI: Full time MPH / MSc Public Health Informatics

I am looking for a full time 12 - 18 months master level training in "(public) health informatics" I have spent the whole day searching online for a suitable course but have not found any. I like the content of the MPH - Information Systems / Computer Sciences Track at http://www.unisa.ac.za/default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=14073. There was an MSc in Medical Informatics offered by Erasmus University that I was interested in but it has been restructures and is now a Masters Of Health Sciences with specialization in Medical Informatics.

Does anyone know of a similar full time 12 - 18 month MPH or MSc course whose focus is similar to that of the one on the UNISA link above?



Clemens P. Masesa

Can you also try checking with university of Liverpool, http://www.liv.ac.uk/PublicHealth/mph/root/master%20of%20public%20health/home%20page/ or http://www.liv.ac.uk/PublicHealth/mph/root/master%20of%20public%20health/home%20page/


Patrick Jonathan Mwale

Try the University of Dublin...

Look at their website at http://www.tcd.ie

Kigozi Isaac Michael


The MPH program at the University of Illinois at Chicago has a specialization in Public Health Informatics. It has been running for 7 years and is completely online. We have produced 50 alumni and we have students from 8 foreign countries and 27 states in USA. The program was designed for full-time or part-time workers and can be completed in 3 years. However, full-time students can complete in 18 months.

Please access the website at http://www.uic.edu/sph/phi for more information.


Edward Mensah, PhD
Associate Professor and Program Director
School of Public Health
University of Illinois at Chicago

Or the University of Oslo......

(both public/community health masters degree, health informatics degree, and the same in Malawi and Tanzania (local courses).

Johanne Sundby
Section for International Health
University of Oslo
Post box 1130 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22850598