[afro-nets] RFI: MSc in public health (part time)

Dear Colleagues

After greeting, kindly I am looking for a part time master level training in (public) health; I have spent many days searching online for a suitable course but have not found any.

Does anyone know of a similar part time MPH or MSc course?

My best regards

Dr. Esra Aya

Dear Esra,

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the Liverpool equivalent both have distance learning courses in public health that you can apply for. You can visit http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/ for more details.

Best wishes


Ifedayo Adetifa


Search the following web: www.wits.ac.za and http://www.uwc.ac.za.
The university of WITS will only enrol in 2010 so you can establish some links now for that time (part time opportunity is available) .For UWC its also late to apply now but can apply for 2010 (distance MPH).



Dears friends and colleagues,

I am looking for an online master in (public) health in French. I have spent many days searching online for a suitable course but have not found any. Can you advice or give information?

My best regards and wishes

Annie Michèle Salla

Dear Annie Michèle Salla

Please see the WHO website for operational health services managers at: http://www.who.int/management
On the right hand column you will find a link to "Study courses".
On that page you will see a link to "Search for courses"
On that page, click on the search engine for "Medicus Mundi" - one of their options is language - select Français, and then select the topic and other fields.
Let me know if you find something suitable.


Laura Hawken