RFI: Interdisciplinary Programming Tools
I am a consultant working at CIDA (the Canadian International Develop-
ment Agency). My work involves developing programming tools for use in
population and education programming. Like many organisations, CIDA is
moving towards integrated, inter-sectoral programmes, and as a starting
point, we are looking at how population concerns/issues can be incorpo-
rated into education projects/programmes, and vice versa. In terms of
tools, it could be anything from checklists to programme guidelines to
fact-sheets to training modules -- anything that would help a project
manager devise a project that is inter-sectoral. The tools could be
used at any stage of the process -- planning, implementation, monitor-
ing, evaluation.
I have just begun this work, and am wondering if anyone knows of tools
which may already exist, projects that have been developed using such
an approach, or any other relevant information (books, articles, con-
tact persons, organisations, etc). Basically, I am trying to get an
idea of what exists before starting to develop anything.
I would very much appreciate any input/suggestions/comments.
Geeta Narayan
Policy Branch,
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