RFI: Sub-Saharan Pharmaceutical Registration Policy (3)
I was interested to read Tom Wagner's message concerning the increasing
commitment of African countries to registration of medicines - which is
surely a necessary safeguard in every country. I look forward to fur-
ther discussion based on people's experiences.
I also wondered whether 'Affordable Medicines to Africa' is aware of
the many African organisations who already undertake drug purchasing on
a non-profit basis, and who undertake training functions besides. MEDS
in Kenya has been in existence for at least fifteen years for example.
The Pharmaceutical Programme of the World Council of Churches/CISS co-
ordinates activities and is responsible for valuable advocacy in the
interests of access and rational use of drugs.
We do not often hear from MEDS, CHAGPHARM, CHANPHARM, CHASL and other
long established Christian agencies acting as drug co-operatives. This
is a pity because they fulfil such an important role: we could learn
much from their experience.
Philippa Saunders & Gill Stoker
Essential Drugs Project
77 Lee Road
London SE3 9EN, UK
Tel/Fax +44-181-318-1419
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.