[afro-nets] Staying Alive World AIDS Day Competition

Staying Alive World AIDS Day Competition

For a second year in a row, MTV and OneWorld are organising a
global competition in the run up to World AIDS Day, 1 December
2004. This year's competition is supported by SONY
(http://www.sony.com) who have provided some great prizes for
the winner and runner up in each category. Two best audio en-
tries will receive minidisk walkmans while two best video en-
tries will be awarded with a DVD Camcorder each.

The competition is for young people between 15 and 34 years of
age to submit audio or video public service announcements (PSAs)
that convey the messages of MTV's award winning HIV/AIDS aware-
ness campaign, Staying Alive (http://www.staying-alive.org) with
this year's theme focussing on women, girls and HIV/AIDS.

MTV and OneWorld share a commitment to the global fight against
HIV/AIDS and this unique collaboration aims to reach an audience
at a global and local level.

Winning PSAs in two categories (one audio and one video) will be
streamed on the Staying Alive site, made available to all 26 lo-
cal MTV web sites and will be featured on the OneWorld Radio and
TV websites. The winners will also receive the Staying Alive
2004 Award, an honour given to an individual each year who makes
an important contribution for HIV/AIDS awareness.

For more information and to enter visit www.staying-alive.org

Cathy Phiri
Public Affairs
MTV Networks International
180 Oxford Street
London W1D 1DS
Tel: +44-207-478-6134
Fax: +44-207-478-6517