AFRO-NETS> Training programme: Human rights, Health and Violence (2)

Training programme: Human rights, Health and Violence (2)


I'm not sure if the UWC's Winter School Course on Human Rights,
Health & Violence (12-16 July) has been advertised on this list
(?) but this is a request to anyone interested in the course to
please contact the UWC a.s.a.p, as they are considering cancel-
ling the course due to poor response. That would be a pity....

Thanks for your assistance.

Teresa Guthrie
Senior Policy Researcher
Child Health Unit, UCT.
cnr Sawkins & Liesbeek Rds
Rondebosch 7700. CT.
Tel: +27-21-685-4103/4 ext 267
Fax: +27-21-689-5403

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