[e-drug] APHA International Health Pharmaceuticals Working Group

E-DRUG: APHA International Health Pharmaceuticals Working Group

Dear People

This are the sessions that have been organized by or announced to member of the APHA International Health Pharmaceuticals Working Group. The links in the notices are to the sessions on the APHA website about the conference, which is December in Philadelphia. (http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/oasys.epl

Two international health sessions on pharmaceuticals are being offered, both
on Monday morning. The first was organized by the APHA International Health
Pharmaceuticals Working Group, and the second includes members from the
group. In addition, there will be poster sessions on pharmaceuticals on
Tuesday afternoon.

3035.0: Monday, December 12, 2005: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Innovative Organizational Responses to Issues in the Pharmaceutical Sector

At the global level, the issues surrounding the pharmaceutical sector
spotlight real and potential conflicts between free market enterprise and
public health policy. The pharmaceutical industry is a powerful engine in
global economic development, and shocks to that industry can send the stock
market index down. Industry development strategies are naturally designed to
maximize profits in lucrative (and relatively healthy) markets with minimal
attention to maximizing health status around the world, and these strategies
have attracted increasing sharp criticism from civil society, which sees
health as a human right and public good. This panel will include
presentations on four recently established and innovative organizations who
are responding to these basic conflicts in the pharmaceutical sector.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant will
be able to (1) describe how economic incentives and health as a public good
are in conflict within the pharmaceutical sector; (2) describe, discuss and
evaluate creative organizational responses to this conflict.

Maggie (mhuffrousselle@ssds.net) Huff-Rousselle, MA, MBA, PhD

Maggie Huff-Rousselle, MA, MBA, PhD

8:30 AM
<http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_120810.htm&gt; Remarks

8:35 AM
Innovative <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_113096.htm&gt;
Organizational Responses to Issues in the Pharmaceutical Sector: The
Polly F. Harrison, PhD

8:55 AM
Innovative <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_113115.htm&gt;
Organizational Responses to Issues in the Pharmaceutical Sector: Axios
Joseph Saba, Dr

9:15 AM
Innovative <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_113122.htm&gt;
Organizational Responses to Issues in the Pharmaceutical Sector: OneWorld
Victoria Hale, PhD

9:35 AM
Innovative <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_113125.htm&gt;
Organizational Responses to Issues in the Pharmaceutical Sector: NLARx
Sharon Treat, JD

9:55 AM
Concluding <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_120811.htm&gt;

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and
author's information.

Organized by:

International health

Endorsed by:
Public Health Nursing; Socialist Caucus

CE Credits:
CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

3117.0: Monday, December 12, 2005: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Improving Use and Distribution of Pharmaceuticals

This session on pharmaceuticals is comprised of diverse presentations,
ranging from equitable drug distribution during macroeconomic crises, to the
function of an essential drug list in improving rational drug use, to the
public health implications of poor quality medicines or non-adherence to
drug regimens. Specifically, the presentations will discuss: (1) a program
for equitable distribution of medicines to low-income populations during
Argentina's economic crisis; (2) abuse of western pharmaceuticals and the
implications for antimicrobial resistance, using Nigeria as a case study;
(3) the role of an essential drug list in Palestine in evaluating drug
utilization and improving rational drug use; (4) the public effect of poor
quality medicine on development of antimicrobial resistance, and potential
strategies to reduce dangers of counterfeit or substandard drugs and (5) the
importance of a rational drug strategy and appropriate role of the
pharmaceutical sector in protecting public health in Jordan.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, the participant will
be able to (1) recognize impact of irrational drug use and substandard
quality drugs on public health and (2) understand the characteristics and
role of essential drug lists in health policy.

Kama Garrison, <mailto:kgarrison@usaid.gov> MPH

10:30 AM
<http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_120789.htm&gt; Remarks

10:35 AM
West is <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_103239.htm&gt;
best : Abuse of western pharmaceuticals in Eastern Nigeria and it's effect
on anti-microbial resistance
Ngozi Ogbuawa, M Sc

10:50 AM
Estimating <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_106631.htm&gt;
the cost savings and rational use effects of implementing an essential drug
list in West Bank, Palestine
Samer Hamidi, M. Mahmud Khan, PhD, Doreen Babo, Richard Culbertson, PhD,
Janet Rice, PhD, Mustafa (Mike) Younis, DrPH

11:05 AM
Counterfeit <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_110916.htm&gt;
and poor quality medicines: An overlooked threat to health
Nancy L. Blum, MPH, MA, Souly Phanouvong, PhD

11:20 AM
Improving <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_111791.htm&gt;
the Use of Pharmaceuticals in Jordan: The Importance of Pharmaceutical care
and a Rational Drug Strategy
Dima Qato, PharmD, MPH, Maggie Huff-Rousselle, MA, MBA

11:35 AM
Concluding <http://apha.confex.com/apha/133am/techprogram/paper_120790.htm&gt;
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and
author's information.

Organized by:

International Health

Endorsed by:
Public Health Nursing

CE Credits:
CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

APHA website links for the above at:
for the 8:30 - 10:00 session

for the 10:30-12:00 session

Maggie Huff-Rousselle, MA, MBA, PhD
Coordinator, APHA International Health Pharmaceuticals Working Group
President, Social Sectors Development Strategies, Inc.
1411 Washington Street, Suite 6
Boston, MA 02118
Tel: 617-421-9644 Fax: 617-421-9046
Email: mhuffrousselle@ssds.net
Website: www.ssds.net