[e-drug] Re: Pharmaceutical Innovation in a Global Economy

E-drug: Re: Pharmaceutical Innovation in a Global Economy

I had sent an earlier message about this conference before their website was
operational. Apologies to those who could not get the information at that
time. The agenda is now complete and their website is accessible so, anyone
interested in this meeting should go to:

or contact Eric Bianchi at ebianchi@wharton.upenn.edu

Nancy Blum, M.P.H., M.A.
Program Director,
Global Assistance Initiatives
12601 Twinbrook Parkway
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 816-8161
(301) 816-8374 FAX

[Previous message posted 3 May 2002:
Health Care Systems Department to Sponsor Wharton Impact
Conference, October 4-5, 2002, 351 Steinberg-Dietrich Hall,
Penn Campus.

Professor Patricia Danzon is the principal organizer of a Wharton
Impact Conference on Pharmaceutical Innovation in the Global
Economy. The objective of the conference is to encourage dialogue
and research on the important topic of increasing the availability
and affordability of drugs for less developed countries (LDC's),
while preserving patents and incentives for innovation. The
conference is not designed to broker political compromise between
various interest groups. Rather, the focus is on research qusestions
and issues where analytic skills at Wharton, our understanding of
the private sector and of lessons from other industries can
contribute to sound strategy and public policy. The three main
sub-themes to be addressed by the conference are:

1) Pricing and international price differentials for drugs with first
world markets;
2) Improving incentives to develop new medicines for LDC diseases;
3) Patents, tax credits and other policy/implementation issues.

To download Professor Danzon's Conference-related paper
"Differential Pricing for Pharmaceuticals: Reconciling Access, R&D,
and Patents" go to http://hc.wharton.upenn.edu/danzon/index.htm,
then click on "Publications", then click on "Articles and Chapters in

All alumni and other interested professionals are invited to attend
the Conference. For registration and hotel information, email Eric
Bianchi at ebianchi@wharton.upenn.edu]

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