E-DRUG: Drug donations

E-DRUG: Drug donations (cont)

I have read the discussions on donated drugs with great frustration!

There are sentiments being expressed which seem all to familiar, but have
wanted for some time now to really have a grip on exactly what is coming
into our country, how, why etc etc.....

- Zimbabwe as has been noted has implemented 'Guidelines for Drug
Donations to the Republic of Zimbabwe' which primarily serve to guide the
donor. We will soon produce more formal guidelines for the recipient health
facilities on how to handle donations.-

To the point now....what about a cross-border / regional study??
It's always a matter of finding the time and people to do it, but perhaps
through this conference we could all contribute towards a small, simple
study - a combined thinking session on how to define the extent and
mechanisms of donations in our countries - dare I use the word
'indicators'... ?

Anyone want to start the process?

Charon Lessing
Essential Drugs Programme
Directorate of Pharmacy Services
Work email: dpszim@icon.co.zw
Private email: clessing@healthnet.zw

Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.