E-DRUG: EMP - Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies
[Several years after splitting the old EDM Department into two separate units, the DG of WHO has merged them back into a new Department for Essential Medicines. After DAP, EDM, and PSM / TCM, the new name is now EMP - Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies. Welcome to EMP in E-drug! WB]
Information Note 27/2008
The purpose of this Information Note is to announce a change in the organizational structure of the Essential Medicines Area of Work.
The Director-General has approved the creation of the Department of Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies (EMP) in the cluster of Health Systems and Services (HSS). The new department combines the former departments of Medicine Policy and Standards (PSM) and Technical Cooperation in Essential Drugs and Traditional Medicine (TCM), and Dr Hans.V. Hogerzeil has been appointed Director.
Dr Hogerzeil is from the Netherlands and was formerly Director, PSM and Acting Director, TCM.
The structure of the new department is attached for easy reference.
[Sorry, E-drug cannot display organogrammes; the persons involved are:
- Hans Hogerzeil, Director (EMP)
- Valerio Reggi, executive secretary, IMPACT secretariat
- Richard Laing, team leader, Medicines Information and Evidence for Policy (MIE)
- Gilles Forte, Coordinator, Medicine Programme Coordination (MPC)
- Clive Ondari, Coordinator, Medicines Access and Rational Use (MAR)
- Lembit Rago, Coordinator, Quality and Safety Medicines (QSM)
- X. Zhang, Coordinator, Traditional Medicine (TRM)
All are congratulated with their new appointments! Good to see an E-drug volunteer moderator among them;-]] WB]