E-drug: Essential Drug Successes
I have been asked to be lead author on a chapter in the next edition of
Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries on Ensuring Supplies of
Appropriate Drugs and Medicines. As part of this activity I have been asked
to identify "successes"
This is what the editors have asked.
To build an evidence-base concerning implementation success stories, the
DCPP is cosponsoring an initiative with the Global Health Policy Research
Network (PRN), which has recently been established by the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation and is coordinated by the Center for Global Development in
Washington, DC. Through the careful examination of successes (and
failures) in implementation, this initiative will attempt to identify
key contributors to the enormous gains in health of the past half
century, and to identify factors that are "actionable" for
replicating these successes.
I have a number of ideas as to what I would suggest are successes worth
documenting but I thought it would be useful to throw this process open to
the E-Drug membership. While you are free to reply only to me I
suspect that most E-Druggers would like to read the suggestions. If
you have a reference to an article or a specific person do send that
as well.
I look forward to your suggestions.
Richard Laing
Associate Professor
Department of International Health
Boston University School of Public Health
Tel 617414-1444
Fax 617 638-4476
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