E-DRUG: Expert meeting on pharmacovigilance
If you will be in Europe on January 27 and interested to attend - send a completed registration form to Rita Kessler at [rita.kessler@aim-mutual.org]
Expert meeting in the European Parliament, Brussels
Medicines in EUrope managing risks
A closer look at the legislative proposals on pharmacovigilance
Wednesday 27 January 2010, 12.30 - 15.00
Hosted by the European Parliament rapporteurs Linda Mc Avan (S&D) and Michèle Rivasi (Greens)
Co-hosted by MEPs Philippe Juvin (PPE) TBC and Antonyia Parvanova (ALDE) TBC
Public health disasters remind us how essential it is to have an effective and proactive pharmacovigilance system to guarantee the safety of EU citizens. According to the European Commission, adverse drug reactions are responsible for at least 5% of hospital admissions and are the fifth ranking cause of hospital deaths.
In December 2008 the Commission put forward proposals for new legislation governing Pharmacovigilance in Europe. In co-operation with MEPs Linda Mc Avan, Philippe Juvin, Antonyia Parvanova and Michèle Rivasi, this meeting will discuss...
-What are the consequences of the European Commission's Pharmacovigilance proposals for patient safety?
- What is the most effective approach for dealing with pharmacovigilance data?
- How can we strengthen decision-making and patient safety in Europe?
The draft programme and registration form are available at
To register for this event, please send a completed registration form to Rita Kessler at [rita.kessler@aim-mutual.org]
This expert meeting is also open to the media.
With kind regards,
Terri Beswick
Communications Officer
Health Action International
Website: http://www.haiweb.org
"Terri - Louise Beswick" <Terri@haiweb.org>