E-drug: Generic quality (cont)
It is my sense that the issue of quality is an important one, and I'm
sure lots of smart people have thought about this a lot, but I would
appreciate pointers to the better ideas. In a developed country like
the USA, we just assume the FDA guarantees quality -- a situation
that probably does not exist in many developing countries. In a TACD
meeting last September in Brussels, the US FDA refused to work with
the TACD to identify constructive methods of increasing confidence in
generic products in
developing countries. The US position and refusal to work on this
was presented by the FDA's Linda Horton, who also mounted a
blistering attack on virtually all developing world products, without
any evidence, data or really without any suggested fixes, other than
to buy from big US and EU companies.
James Love
Consumer Project on Technology
P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036
1.202.387.8030 fax
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