[e-drug] Generic quality (cont)

E-drug: Generic quality (cont)
Dear Friends: I think is necessary to point out that quality of drugs
is a problem in developing countries, both for brand and generic
drugs. In South America there are a lot of examples about
substandard drugs, brand and generic. Maybe special experiences, Peru
in 1992, Ecuador some years later, under a special government
programs, generated a quality problems idea about generics. There
were problems with a great quantity of imported chinese generics, but
now, in most countries, special programs do not exist more, and they
turn to regulatory measures, like mandatory generic prescription,
generic name in labels and pharmacy substitution. In this case,
discussions about quality, usually refers to bioequivalence. But in
most of the cases, are a part of a "war against generics", by brand
based companies. Bioequivalence is important but only in a little
number of cases.

Doctors are the target of this war. If any country wants to promote
competition with generics, is necessary to take care about quality
guaranties system and information to doctors. But quality is not
only a generic problem, because of generic name.

Dr Francisco Rossi
PAHO (?)
"Francisco Rossi" <francisco_rossi@hotmail.com>
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