E-drug: Grand Challenges in Global Health
Dear E-druggers,
Here is a chance for the African E-drug members to have a voice in
identifying these Grand Challenges. For those who may not have
Web access to visit the site, I have included the Definition and Scope
sections of the Grand Challenge (in text form) below this message,
but subscribers can get more information via fax too.
Many thanks and best regards,
Dr. Leela McCullough
Director of Information Services
30 California Street, Watertown, MA 02472, USA
Tel: +617-926-9400 Fax: +617-926-1212
Email: leela@usa.healthnet.org
Web: http://www.healthnet.org
We would very much like to receive recommendations for Grand
Challenges in Global Health from the African health research
community, and are looking for ways to get the word out to them.
Please distribute this e-mail and its information widely and note that
we would like to get submissions before June 15.
Thank you for your interest in this important initiative.
The following letter was initially distributed May 2.