E-DRUG: Call for expressions of interest: Costs of Drug Resistance in Developing World
[To respond DO NOT CLICK REPLY, email Jessica Pickett <jpickett@cgdev.org> before Jan 10]
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Drug Resistance Working Group, the Center for Global
Development has prepared a Request for Expressions of Interest to engage
a consultant to conduct background research on the costs of drug
resistance in the developing world, which will inform the Working
Group's deliberations and policy recommendations (see
Please forward this document to your contacts with significant experience in
collecting, analyzing, and providing data on pharmaceutical markets,
drug resistance and/or health system costs facing suppliers, purchasers,
and governments.
Applicants should submit a brief 4-6 page expression of interest,
statement of qualifications and accompanying CVs to my attention at
jpickett@cgdev.org no later than January 10, 2008. Inquiries can be
directed to Rachel at rnugent@cgdev.org, and we are happy to provide a
detailed concept paper on request.
Many thanks,
Jessica Pickett
Policy Analyst
Center for Global Development
1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW #301
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 416-5628