[e-drug] Guardian on unethical promotion of medicines to UK health workers (2)

E-DRUG: Guardian on unethical promotion of medicines to UK health workers (2)

Dear All,

It is a shame to see and be part of such degrading act of one human being on another. For quite a time now, we read and watch reports of such nature. We know that several right movements advocate on Big Pharmaceutical companies to be ethical and treat humanity with respect. But all the cries seem to fall on deaf ear. The magnitude of the problem is getter bigger by the day and humanity is suffering beyond measure. It is overwhelmingly sad to benefit and profit on death. Globally we should all shout aloud and invite reason to rule. Let us all be Humans before we are money grabbers.

Haymanot Assefa Nadew
Pharmaceutical and managment consultant
President of the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Association
E-mail: haymanot2000@yahoo.com

E-DRUG: Guardian on unethical promotion of medicines to UK health workers (3)

Dear All,

Human beings are probably the greediest animals. We want to corner as much wealth, power and material resources as possible without caring for the adverse effects of our actions on others. That is why there are governments and regulatory bodies to frame rules and procedures and to carry out our functions as judiciously as possible. As we fail to follow the rules, chaos is the expected outcome. This is of particular significance to a country like India. This is happening in all fields of life including unethical promotion of drugs. The most saddening part is that the persons involved are considered as intellectuals.

Dr PR Pabrai
Former Director, Central Indian Pharmacopoeia Laboratory, Government of India
Former Head, Corporate Quality Assurance, Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd
C-568 Sarita Vihar
New Delhi - 110076
Tel: (91)-41402079
Mobile : (91)-09971521230