[e-drug] Information on drug indicators for the hospital pharmacy setting

E-DRUG: Information on drug indicators for the hospital pharmacy setting

Dear all,

Can anyone provide some information on drug indicators focusing the hospital pharmacy setting?

I am aware about the drug consumption indicator using DDD/ 100 bed-days, I am looking for another one who might be helpful to use.

I would be grateful for any information.

Best wishes

Grace Pfaffenbach, PhD, MSc, RN
Pharmacoepidemiology Manager
State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
São Paulo - Brazil
Phone: + 55 19 35217560

E-DRUG: Information on drug indicators for the hospital pharmacy setting (2)

Dear Grace

It is not clear which sort of indicators you are seeking, but you may
find it worth looking at the Quality Use of Medicine indicators
developed in Australia:

(please fix link if broken)


Douglas Ball
Pharmaceutical consultant

E-DRUG: Information on drug indicators for the hospital pharmacy setting (3)

Dear Grace

NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group in Australia has recently updated quality use of medicines indicators for hospitals and also developed a self-assessment tool for medication safety. You can find these at http://www.ciap.health.nsw.gov.au/nswtag/indicators.html

The contact person is David Maxwell.

Kind regards

Lynn Weekes
National Prescribing Service