E-drug: JAMA: Compulsory licensing of anti-HIV drugs stirs debate in Geneva
The JAMA web page today ran a Reuters story about US trade pressures to
discourage developing countries from using provisions that permit
compulsory licensing of HIV/AIDS and other essential medicines.
This issue, which has been going on for several years and which has been
front page news in many foreign countries, has never been addressed in
any US stories by the NYT, WSJ, Washington Post, AP or Reuters before
today. And while seeing this on the JAMA web page is hardly going to
spark a national debate on this important issue, it is at least the
beginning of a realization that there is an important dimension of the
International AIDS crisis that is driven by US government policy.
JAMA HIV/AIDS Information Center
Newsline, Reuters Health Information
April 1, 1999
Compulsory licensing of anti-HIV drugs stirs debate in Geneva
By Deborah Mitchell
James Love, Director, Consumer Project on Technology
I can be reached at love@cptech.org, by telephone 202.387.8030,
by fax at 202.234.5176. CPT web page is http://www.cptech.org
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