E-DRUG: Maine Benzodiazepine Study Group Survey
[For an interesting review of benzodiazepine use and misuse in a particular
region (Maine, USA), have a look at this excellent report which shows the
problems that these drugs can cause. See:
Attached please find the Maine Benzodiazepine Survey of 2003. We invite your
participation. This continues our effort to collect a better understanding
of the rates of use of benzodiazepines in the State of Maine and elsewhere.
It is our hope to provide the results by October at our annual meeting to
which you are invited as well. Please pass this email on to others who may
have the ability to provide further numbers, and note that our last survey
results are available at www.noemaine.org/benzo/benzo.htm as well as monthly
surveys of selected drug toxicity data. Benzodiazepines use or prescription
rates that do not fit our survey request are also welcome, please email us
with what data you can provide to discuss inclusion.
Stevan Gressitt, M.D.
Maine, USA
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