[e-drug] Medicines in Health Systems working group member survey & reminder

E-DRUG: Medicines in Health Systems working group member survey & reminder

Medicines in Health Systems working group member survey and reminder to
use dissemination platform

Dear e-Druggers,

We are delighted to announce that the Health Systems Global working group
on Medicines in Health Systems recently transitioned to a new leadership with the co-chairs Dr. Sachiki Ozawa, Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Raja Shankar, Senior Principal with the IMS Consulting Group and Dr. Christine Leopold, Senior Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, as the coordinator.

We want to express our gratitude to the co-funders Drs. Anita Wagner,
Maryam Bigdeli, Vera Luiza, and Arash Rashidian for their vision of
initiating this important research group!

Taking this opportunity, we would like to invite you all to participate and
help us shape the Medicines in Health Systems working group. There are
three ways you could engage with the group:

· Sign-up to the Medicines in Health Sytems LinkedIn group
and post news on your research,

· Organize a one-hour webinar which will be widely disseminated
through Health Systems Global and archived on ourwebsite

· Engage in discussions at in-person meetings.

In addition,we would like to seek your help to better meet your interests.
Therefore, we kindly invite you to participate in this online survey

which will take less than 5 minutes.

In case of any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us!


Sachiko Ozawa, Co-chair of thematic working group, ozawa@unc.edu
Raja Shankar, Co-chair of thematic working group, RShankar@imscg.com
Christine Leopold, Coordinator of thematic working group,

*Christine Leopold, PhD, MSc* | Senior Research Fellow
Division of Health Policy and Insurance Research (HPI)
Harvard Medical School & Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
Landmark Center, 401 Park Drive Suite 401
East side, Boston, MA 02215
Email: *Christine_leopold1@hphc.org