E-DRUG: NEW Working Group on Medicines in Health Systems - Request feedback & involvement
The Health Systems Global (HSG) Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Medicines
in Health Systems seeks your input to define its foci and activities, and
invites your participation.
*Please kindly provide your feedback by completing a brief survey at this link:
The survey should take less than 10 minutes of your time. Please kindly
complete it by Monday, 9 June 2014.
The HSG TWG on Medicines in Health Systems is envisioned as a
multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional network of professionals dedicated
to improving medicines situations, particularly in low- and middle-income
countries. Members would share experiences and collaborate to generate
evidence to improve medicines availability, access, affordability, and
appropriate use. Any aspects of medicines in health systems could be of
interest to TWG members and become the focus of TWG activities.
Collaborative activities could entail teaching, research, advocacy, and
HSG is the first international membership organization fully dedicated to
promoting health systems research and knowledge translation
HSG organizes a Global Symposium on Health Systems Research every two years.
The next symposium will be held in October 2014 in Cape Town.
We look forward to your input on TWG foci and activities and hope that you
will participate in shaping the TWG.
Thank you very much!
On behalf of the TWG on Medicines in Health Systems,
Laura F. Garabedian, MPH, PhD
Department of Population Medicine
Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
Laura Garabedian <laura.f.garabedian@gmail.com>